Manufacturing Education
Like to work with your hands instead of your brain?
You must complete these schools in order.

School of Apprenticeship-Costs 1000c to attend and takes two days to graduate. This school teaches both the blacksmith trade, and carpentry. Allows you to create level 1 weapons and armors.

School of Destiny-Costs 1500c to attend and takes two days to graduate. After graduating from this school you must decide if you wish to be a Blacksmith or a Carpenter. You must fully learn one trade before you can begin another. Allows you to create level 2 weapons and armors.

Blacksmith schools

School of Elementary Blacksmithing-Costs 1000c and takes two days to graduate. Allows you to create level 1 blacksmith weapons and armors.

School of Secondary Blacksmithing-Costs 1500c and takes three days to graduate. Allows you to create level 2 blacksmith weapons and armors.

School of Beginning Mastery-Costs 2000c and takes four days to graduate. Allows you to create level 3 blacksmith weapons and armors.

School of Mastery-Costs 4000c and takes five days to graduate. Allows you to create level 4 blacksmith weapons and armors.

Carpentry schools

School of Elementary Carpentry-Costs 1000c and takes two days to graduate. Allows you to create level 1 carpentry weapons and armors.

School of Secondary Carpentry-Costs 1500c and takes three days to graduate. Allows you to create level 2 carpentry weapons and armors.

School of Beginning Mastery-Costs 2000c and takes four days to graduate. Allows you to create level 3 carpentry weapons and armors.

School of Mastery-Costs 4000c and takes five days to graduate. Allows you to create level 4 carpentry weapons and armors.

Master Craftsmen schools

School of "Beginning to Combine"-Costs 3000c and takes takes three days to graduate. Here you learn the basics of combining blacksmithing and carpentry. Allows you to create level 3 weapons and armors.

School of Understanding-Costs 4000c and takes four days to graduate. Allows you to create level 4 weapons and armors.

School of Absolute Mastery-Costs 10,000c and takes five days to graduate. Allows you to create level 5 weapons and armors.

Artificial Manufacturing Center-Costs 20,000c and takes 30 days to graduate. Crams all the schools into one blazing fast curriculum. At graduation you will receive a Master Craftsmen's Diploma.